3 Common (and Dangerous) Car Seat Mistakes

If you asked them directly, most parents would probably admit to driving slightly faster when traveling alone. Since children are the most precious cargo there is, it is only natural for caregivers to exercise additional caution when driving with them in the car.

Of course, following the rules of the road is not the only way to protect kids who are riding in your back seat. Since even the most conscientious motorists can end up in a catastrophic collision with a drunk, distracted, or drowsy driver, it is also essential to check every passenger’s safety restraint system prior to getting behind the wheel.

Even if you do everything in your power to avoid a collision, you cannot rely on other drivers to do the same. Thus, the best way to prevent serious injuries is to ensure everyone is strapped in tightly should a crash occur.

Unfortunately, nearly half of all children are not restrained properly when riding in a motor vehicle. According to USA TODAY, a 2011 study revealed that 46 percent of car seats were either installed improperly or used incorrectly.

If a car seat is not installed properly and a collision results, the consequences could be devastating. At the end of the day, car seats are designed to protect children, and failing to install one correctly compromises its overall effectiveness.

Sadly, even passengers riding in perfectly installed car seats can sustain injuries in severe accidents. If your loved ones were hurt in a collision despite following all local traffic laws and exercising reasonable safety precautions, you may have grounds for a personal injury claim.

Contact the Cooper Law Firm to discuss your case. A compassionate accident attorney will review the circumstances surrounding your crash and help you determine the best way to proceed. Call 903-297-0037 to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Van Zandt.

Read on to learn about some of the most common car seat mistakes parents and other caregivers make:

  1. Loose Installation

After installing a car seat, grip it with both hands and try to move it. If you can shift it more than an inch or so in any direction, it is not installed tightly enough.

  1. Unlocked Safety Belts

Fairly new cars should provide parents with the option to “lock” the safety belts into place. This is the final step for ensuring a snug car seat installation, and it is one that many parents forget. Review the vehicle’s owner manual to learn precisely how you can lock the seat belts for optimum protection in the event of a collision.

  1. Misaligned Infant Seat

Infant seats must be angled far enough back that the child does not fall forward; however, if they are angled too far back, the straps may not restrain the child properly in an impact. Parents should inspect the angle of their infant’s seat every time they place it in the car to ensure it is always aligned properly.

Although a properly installed car seat can protect your child in the event of a collision, it does not eliminate the risk of sustaining injuries entirely. If your loved one was hurt in a crash with a reckless driver, contact the Cooper Law Firm for quality legal guidance during every stage of the claims process.

Call 903-297-0037 to schedule a free case evaluation with an accident attorney in Van Zandt. If you want to learn more about car accident claims in Texas, visit the USAttorneys website.