4 Tips to Help Senior Citizens Avoid Car Accidents

The natural side effects of aging can impair driving to the point that it eventually becomes impossible to stay safe while behind the wheel. It can be hard for senior citizens to give up their license, though, because doing so means losing a considerable amount of independence.

Shards of car glass on the street

As a result, people often fail to recognize just how dangerous their driving has become because they do not actually want to acknowledge it. This is a kind of denial, and it can be pervasive among senior citizens in regard to driving abilities.

Sadly, people who continue driving long after they should have stopped are not only risking their own lives but also the lives of those around them. According to the Insurance Information Institute, older motorists are involved in more fatal collisions per mile driven than any other demographic, excluding teens.

If you were hurt in a crash with a reckless or negligent driver, you may be able to recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and emotional distress. Turn to the Cooper Law Firm to determine if you have grounds for a claim.

Attorney N. Eric Cooper is a member of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association and the Gregg County Bar Association. Call 903-297-0037 to schedule a free case evaluation with an accident attorney in Paris.

Read on to learn a few ways senior motorists can reduce the risk of a wreck:

  1. Undergo Regular Eye Exams

It is natural for vision to deteriorate with age. As a result, even seniors who have never needed corrective eyewear should visit an optometrist regularly to ensure their vision remains 20/20. Those who should be wearing glasses—or require a stronger prescription than their current lenses—pose a serious risk to themselves and others whenever they get behind the wheel.

  1. Complete a Defensive Driving Course

Because of the accident rates for the entire demographic, seniors can expect to pay fairly high premiums for auto insurance. Depending on their provider, though, they may be able to receive a discount—and become safer motorists—by completing a defensive driving course.

  1. Get Plenty of Sleep

Fatigue has similar effects on coordination, reflexes, and reaction time as alcohol, which is just one of the reasons why drowsy driving is so dangerous. According to the National Sleep Foundation, older adults tend to have a harder time both falling asleep and staying asleep, which means they may be more likely to drive while drowsy. At the end of the day, seniors who are sleep deprived should never get behind the wheel.

  1. Review the Side Effects of Any Medication

Even if older motorists get adequate sleep every night, they could still suffer from drowsiness if they take certain kinds of medication. PennyGeeks recommends that seniors review all potential side effects of any drugs that they take before hitting the road.

If you sustained injuries in a collision with a reckless driver, contact the Cooper Law Firm today. Call 903-297-0037 to schedule a free consultation with an accident lawyer in Paris. You can learn more about car crash claims in Texas by visiting the USAttorneys website.