5 Tips for Sharing the Road with Commercial Drivers
Commercial drivers have a lot of experience behind the wheel. Since they are on the road so often, it’s only natural to assume they are better than the average motorist at maneuvering in traffic.

Shards of car glass on the street
Although many of them are, there are still careless truckers just as there are careless doctors, barbers, and bartenders. At the end of the day, every industry is home to at least a few individuals who should not be there.
When a chef or a pet groomer makes a mistake, though, the consequences are negligible. If a commercial driver commits an error while behind the wheel, on the other hand, the resulting damages could be catastrophic.
Unfortunately, passenger vehicle occupants are especially vulnerable to sustaining serious and even fatal injuries in truck accidents. If you were hurt in a collision with an 18-wheeler, turn to the Cooper Law Firm to determine the best way to proceed.
Our legal team is here to help people put their lives back together. Visit our website at www.cooper-law-firm.com to learn more or call 903-297-0037 to schedule a free case evaluation with a truck accident lawyer in Marshall.
Read on for five tips for sharing the road with commercial drivers:
- Anticipate Wide Turns
Big rigs must make wide right turns. If passenger vehicle motorists fail to account for truckers swinging left before turning right, a sideswipe collision may result. If you are near an 18-wheeler at an intersection, give it plenty of room, regardless of whether it is turning left or right.
- Avoid Blind Spots
As PennyGeeks explains, traveling in a truck’s blind spots is another common cause of sideswipe collisions. Tractor-trailers have much larger blind spots than standard passenger vehicles, and motorists should avoid traveling in them at all costs. If you cannot see the driver or the truck’s mirrors, he or she cannot see you
- Pass with Care
When passing 18-wheelers in traffic, always do so on the left to maximize visibility. Maintain a safe, constant speed as you make the maneuver, and do not decelerate rapidly after pulling back in front of the big rig.
- Slow Down
Speeding only increases the chances that you will need to make a sudden maneuver, and doing so near a big rig could prove disastrous. Trucks cannot adjust their speed rapidly because of their massive size and weight, so avoid doing anything that will force you to cut a tractor-trailer off in traffic.
- Relax
Getting stuck behind one or more big rigs in traffic can be stressful, but driving while angry or frustrated is never a good idea. If you find yourself getting upset at the commercial drivers around you, take a deep breath and remember that your ultimate goal is to arrive at the destination safely, not in record time.
Sadly, even if you follow all the tips above, it doesn’t take more than one drunk, drowsy, or distracted trucker to cause a devastating collision. If you were hurt in a crash with a commercial vehicle, turn to the Cooper Law Firm.
We understand the physical, financial, and emotional stress that an injury or accident can place on you and your loved ones. Contact us online or call 903-297-0037 to schedule a free consultation with a truck accident attorney in Marshall. You can learn more about truck wreck claims in Texas by visiting USAttorneys.com.
Cooper Law Firm
501 N Third Street
Longview, TX 75601