Injured by Border Patrol or Police? Know Your Rights

TEXAS. Border Patrol recently made the news recently for killing a woman that agents claim crossed the border illegally.

American immigration and United States refugee crisis concept as people on a border wall with a US flag as a social issue about refugees or illegal immigrants with the cast shadow of a group of migrating women men and children.

According to the New York Times, the Border Patrol Agency claims that the officer was attacked. Reports from border patrol officials indicate that the officer pulled a gun after being pelted with objects. When he shot his handgun, he struck a woman in the head.

Yet, another woman who witnessed the incident claims that there was no threat coming from the individuals as the border agent described. The woman claims that the individuals were trying to hide. The witness recorded the events using her phone and claims that she heard other border patrol officers trying to use the woman as an example to the other detainees.

According to the Times, there have been only 17 incidents where border patrol agents used force last year, but it isn’t clear how many of these incidents involved fatalities. The number of incidents has gone down over the years, but reports like this are indeed alarming.

Border Patrol are not the only agencies reaching the news. According to the Houston Chronicle, a woman recently claimed that she was sexually assaulted by a police officer after being stopped for a DUI. Yet, when police released their body cameras, the cameras showed no evidence to support the woman’s claims. While the case shows how important body cameras can be in protecting both citizen’s rights and the police, individuals should be aware that they do have rights if they are hurt by police or are harmed while being held in custody. Victims may have the right to even sue, but they could face challenges due to sovereign immunity laws that generally protects the government and the state from lawsuits. In order to sue the government, the government must first consent to the lawsuit. This process can sometimes be more complex than a typical personal injury claim.

In the case of the woman who claimed she was assaulted, in light of the new evidence, her lawyer has apologized to the police force.

Police in Texas have been facing increased scrutiny after the death of Sarah Bland, who was arrested and who later died in a jail cell. The family reached a $1.9 million dollar settlement with Texas for the woman’s wrongful death. It was found that she died due to asphyxiation due to hanging.

When it comes to public officials, the public puts immense trust in these individuals. Most do their duties honorably and put their lives on the line every day. However, when accidents or injuries happen, victims and their families may have rights, if officers acted negligently.

The Cooper Law Firm are Texas personal injury lawyers who work closely with victims and families who have suffered injuries due to the neglect or negligence of another person or party. Visit us at to learn more about your rights and options. You may be entitled to seek damages for your medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering.


Cooper Law Firm

501 N Third St,

Longview, TX 75601

Telephone: (903) 297-0037