If you were hurt in a truck accident because a driver failed to check his or her blind spot, you may be entitled to seek damages for your medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Trucks have particularly large blind spots. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, trucks have blind spots on all four sides of their vehicles. Drivers should take steps to avoid a truck’s blind spot, but truck drivers also have a responsibility to be aware of their blind spots and to take precautions when driving.
Where are a truck’s blind spots? According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, a truck’s blind spots are 20 feet in front of the vehicle, two lanes on the right side of the vehicle, 30 feet behind the vehicle, and one lane to the left of the vehicle. When trucks change lanes, they have a responsibility to account for these blinds spots surrounding their trucks. This means trucks should give ample time for other drivers to become aware that they are planning to change lanes by signaling early. Sometimes, however, trucks fail to take account for these blind spots, and this can result in crashes. The Cooper Law Firm is a blind spot truck crash lawyer in Texas who may be able to assist you and your loved ones if you are facing losses as a result of an accident. Contact the Cooper Law Firm today to learn more.
Avoiding a Truck’s Blind Spot
There are some steps passenger vehicle drivers can take to avoid a truck’s blind spot. For example, drivers can avoid driving beside a truck, and can choose to pass a truck only on the left side (a truck’s left side has a smaller blind spot). When following a truck, a driver should give the truck more room. The blind spot of a truck can be as much as 30 feet from behind the vehicle. Truck accidents can occur if a truck driver simply doesn’t know a car is in a lane he or she is trying to merge into.
Drivers can also watch trucks closely for signs that the truck may be trying to merge into another lane, or signs that they may be turning. Avoid passing trucks with active turn signals blinking, and don’t ever try to squeeze between a truck and a curb when a truck is making a turn. Truck drivers also have a responsibility to watch for drivers and have a responsibility to assess risks when driving. This means using proper turn signals and making turns slowly and deliberately.
If you or someone you love was hurt by a truck driver in Texas, you and your family may be entitled to seek damages for your lost wages, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. Blind spots pose a real risk to other drivers on the road, and truck drivers have a responsibility to account for these risks when driving. The Cooper Law Firm are truck accident attorneys in Texas who may be able to assist you with your claim. Our firm can work with you to help you get a settlement from insurers and other stakeholders.
Liability for Blind Spot Accidents
When a blind spot accident occurs, truck companies, insurance companies, and drivers might each be held liable for the accident. The driver might be liable for the mistake, but the truck company could also be held responsible if the truck didn’t have proper mirrors or equipment to ensure that the driver could check his or her blind spot. Furthermore, truck companies have a responsibility to vet their drivers before hiring them. If a truck company fails to identify a driver with a poor driving record or a driver with former blind spot accidents, the company could be held negligent for hiring an unsafe driver. Finally, truck companies are required to carry high-limit insurance policies. When blind spot accidents occur, victims and their families might be entitled to make a claim with these insurance companies.
Seek Compensation for Your Injuries and Losses Following a Truck Accident in Texas
If you or a loved one were hurt in a truck accident in Texas due to a driver failing to check his or her blind spot, you may be entitled to receive compensation under the law. The Cooper Law Firm are truck accident attorneys in Texas who work closely with victims and families to help them seek the justice they may deserve. However, you may only have a limited amount of time under the law to make a claim. Truck accident claims can sometimes be more complex than passenger vehicle claims because many stakeholders may be involved. Having a lawyer on your side to help you navigate the insurance claims process can make an immense difference in your case. Contact the Cooper Law Firm today to learn more.