Burn Injury Lawyers in Texas
The Cooper Law Firm are Texas burn injury lawyers who work with victims and families who have suffered serious losses after experiencing burn injuries in car and truck accidents. According to the American Burn Association, 486,000 people receive treatment for burn injuries each year. Many more people may suffer minor burn injuries for which they may not require treatment. While many burns might be minor, in some cases, individuals suffer second and third degree burns, which can impact all aspects of their lives. Some 40,000 patients receive care at burn centers, and may suffer from more serious burn injuries, which may require more long-term care and treatment. Burn injuries can occur in a number of ways, but if you or a loved one suffered a burn injury in a car accident, truck accident, or due to another person’s negligence or neglect, you may be entitled to seek damages to cover your medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering damages, and other losses. The Cooper Law Firm are Texas personal injury lawyers who work with victims and families to help them seek damages from negligent parties and help them to seek a settlement from insurance companies following serious injury. Contact the Cooper Law Firm today for a free initial consultation to learn more about your rights and options.
Second and Third Degree Burns
While first degree burns can be painful, these burns may not always require medical treatment unless they cover a large portion of the body. First degree burns may make the skin red and painful, but these burns generally can heal on their own with home care. However, if you are not sure whether the burn is a first degree burn or if the burn covers a large portion of your body, you may want to seek medical care, just in case.
Second and third degree burns are the more serious types of burns individuals can experience and often require medical attention. According to the Centers for Disease Control, second degree burns can be painful, can result in blisters, and may result in the loss of some skin. Treatment for second degree burns may involve taking steps to prevent shock and medical care. Third degree burns are far more serious and can be life-threatening. Victims can lose layers of skin and even layers of muscle. Immediate medical attention is required. What is the long-term care for serious burn injuries?
Immediate medical treatment may involve wound care, administering fluids to the victim, pain medications, dressings, and drugs to fight infections. Burn injuries can be among the most painful injuries victims can suffer. Some patients may require breathing assistance, if they have burned their face. Other patients may require skin grafts, where healthy skin is transplanted to replace scar tissue or damaged skin. Burn injuries can result in disfigurement. Some patients may eventually seek out plastic surgery to improve their appearance after a burn injury.
The long-term rehabilitation plan after a serious burn injury may involve long term rehabilitation care. Victims may require physical therapy to improve movement, especially if the skin around joints was burned. These are just the physical challenges burn injury patients may face. Emotional challenges can include changes in self-image, anxiety, pain, and emotional challenges following the aftermath of a burn injury.
The course of rehabilitation following a burn injury can involve a long road ahead. Families may struggle during this time, especially if a family member is out of work or can’t return to work. If you or a loved one has suffered a burn injury that has required a long rehabilitation, has resulted in missed days from work or disability, or other losses, the Cooper Law Firm are personal injury lawyers who may be able to help you. Our attorneys may be able to assist you and your family in seeking damages for your lost wages, medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and other procedures or losses. You may be entitled to seek damages from negligent parties or from insurance companies following a crash. The Cooper Law Firm are personal injury lawyers who are here for you.
Burn Injuries and Auto Accidents in Texas
While fire is not common in car or truck accidents, when fires do take place, victims of car accidents can suffer serious injuries. Truck accident victims may be more at risk of suffering burns, especially if the truck bursts into flames or if a truck was carrying hazardous materials. If you or a loved one have been hurt in a fire in an auto accident, consider speaking to the Cooper Law Firm today. Our Texas car and truck accident lawyers can review the details of your accident and fight to help you get the recovery you may deserve under the law. Victims of car accidents may be entitled to seek damages not only from negligent parties, but also from can manufacturers. Vehicle safety standards require that vehicles have fire-safety measures in place. This includes measures to prevent fuel leakage or measures to prevent battery fires. If a car defect resulted in your burn injury, you may be entitled to pursue a lawsuit against the car company or manufacturer.
Seek Justice: Contact Our Texas Burn Injury Lawyers Today
In the aftermath of a serious burn injury, you and your family should be focusing on healing. However, the costs associated with seeking medical care can be challenging and stressful. If you are having challenges seeking a settlement from insurance companies or if you have questions about whether you may be entitled to seek damages from negligent parties after a crash, the Cooper Law Firm are personal injury lawyers in Texas who may be able to help you. Our attorneys can speak to insurance adjusters, write demand letters to negligent parties and companies, and can estimate the value of your claim. When seeking a settlement from insurance adjusters, it can be helpful to understand what your claim might be worth before accepting a settlement. Don’t wait to seek justice and assistance after an accident. Speak to the Cooper Law Firm today.