According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, drunk driving kills an estimated 10,876 people every year and leaves another 290,000 people injured. In Texas alone, there are an estimated 1,438 annual drunk driving deaths. Mothers Against Drunk Driving reports that drinking and driving and drugged driving remain the leading causes of deaths on U.S. roadways. Unfortunately, by the time a drunk or drugged driver injures or kills another person on the road, the statistics indicate that this driver may have driven drunk many times before.
When drivers make the choice to get behind the wheel drunk, they put everyone on the road at risk. If you or a loved one were hurt in a drunk driving or drugged driving accident in Texas, you and your family may have the right to make a claim for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. When families fight back and hold drunk or drugged drivers accountable for their actions, they send a strong message to the Texas community: drunk and drugged driving won’t be tolerated on our local roads, and the community will not tolerate actions that endanger the community. The Cooper Law Firm are drunk driving accident lawyers in Canton, Van Zandt, Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson, Paris, and Marshall, Texas who work closely with victims and families whose lives may have been impacted by a drunk or drugged driver. Our firm offers clients a free case evaluation during which we can provide an honest assessment of the next steps you can take and estimate the value of your claim.
Drunk Driving Injury Claims and Punitive Damages
In the aftermath of most car accidents, victims and families might make a claim with insurance companies to repair their vehicles and to cover medical expenses and other losses. Individuals who are hurt in car accidents due to the negligence of another person’s actions may also be able to make a claim with negligent parties to cover additional losses. However, drunk driving accidents are particularly egregious acts of negligence. Not only is drunk driving against the law, it shows a kind of disregard for the general safety of others on the road. Because of this, some drunk driving victims and their families in Texas may be entitled to seek punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages after a drunk driving accident. What’s the difference between punitive damages and compensatory damages?
- Compensatory Damages compensate victims for injuries and losses sustained as a result of a crash or accident. These damages can include medical costs, lost income, property damage, legal fees, rehabilitation costs, and other losses, like pain and suffering and emotional distress stemming from a crash.
- Punitive Damages. These damages are designed to punish a party who is at fault for a crash or accident. These damages may be awarded in addition to compensatory damages.
Are you entitled to seek punitive damages following a drunk driving accident? It depends on the nature of your case. If the other driver had a very high blood alcohol concentration or a history of repeat DUIs, then you might be able to seek punitive damages following a drunk driving accident. Contact the Cooper Law Firm, a drunk driving injury attorney in Texas today to learn more about the kind of damages you may be entitled to receive following an accident.
Dram Shop Laws in Texas
The drunk driver may not be the only party responsible for your injuries following a drunk driving crash. Under Texas’s dram shop laws, if a bar or establishment that sells liquor sold alcohol to a person who was obviously intoxicated and this person then went on get into an accident, you and your family may be able to pursue a claim against the bar or establishment for your damages or losses. Some bars and establishments may also have insurance for this explicit scenario, and you may be able to receive a settlement through a claim. The Cooper Law Firm are drunk and drugged driving attorneys in Texas who can review the circumstances of your accident, investigate the causes that led to your accident, and determine whether the bar or restaurant serving alcohol may be held liable for their actions.
Fighting for the Rights of Drunk Driving Victims
The Cooper Law Firm understands how devastating drunk driving and drugged driving accidents can be for victims and families and Texas. In the aftermath of a serious accident, you and your loved ones may be struggling to heal and make ends meet, especially if a loved one is facing unexpected medical costs and time away from work. You may only have a limited amount of time to make a drunk driving injury claim in Texas due to the state’s statute of limitations laws for personal injury claims. Contact the Cooper Law Firm today to learn more about how we may be able to help you. We offer clients a free initial consultation during which we can evaluate your claim and provide you with an honest assessment of the next steps.