If you have been injured in a car or truck accident in Texas, the Cooper Law Firm are personal injury lawyers who help victims seek damages for their serious fracture injuries. Serious fractures can leave individuals disabled, leave them needing surgery, and leave them needing rehabilitative care. Without proper care, serious fractures can heal improperly, leading to long-term disability and problems. If you have suffered a disabling fracture in Texas following a car or truck accident, you and your family may be entitled to seek damages for your medical care, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. The Cooper Law Firm are personal injury lawyers in Texas who offer clients a free initial consultation during which we can assist you with your claim, estimate the value of your claim, and help you seek the damages you may deserve under the law.
Types of Fractures and Their Severity
There are many different types of fractures. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, car crashes can result in serious fractures because of the impact forces involved in these kinds of accidents. The most serious types of fractures involve breaks where the bone is shattered or breaks where the bone breaks through the skin. Fractures where the bone breaks through the skin can be serious because these fractures can put the deep bone at risk of infection. Another type of serious fracture is one where the bone is crushed.
While minor fractures may not require surgery, fractures around the joint may require surgery. In the case of minor fractures where the bone isn’t moved far from its original position, a cast alone may be sufficient to repair the bone. However, with fractures around joints or with fractures where the bone is shattered or crushed, surgery or joint replacement may be required. In some cases, doctors may need to use pins or screws to hold the bone in place. In severe cases, bone grafts may be required.
Fractures around the wrist, ankles, shoulder, and elbow can be very serious. Without proper treatment, victims can lose mobility around the joint. With any joint fracture, there is the risk that after the bones are placed into proper position, they may still move around during healing. This can lead to crooked joints, or problems with motion of the joint. Proper repair of broken joints and proper diagnosis and treatment is important with any serious fracture. How are these fractures treated and what are the risks?
- Wrist Fractures. Car accidents and motorcycle accidents can result in wrist fractures. Individuals might put out their hands to stop their bodies from hitting a dash or from hitting the ground in a motorcycle or bike accident. If the force is transferred to the wrist, the bones can break. When a person suffers a serious wrist fracture, hand surgery may be required. In some cases, pins or rods may need to be used to keep the wrist stable. In other instances, bone grafts may be required, especially if the wrist is crushed. The kind of treatment you’ll need will depend on the seriousness of your wrist fracture.
- Elbow fractures. Elbow fractures can be very serious injuries. In a car, bike, or motorcycle accident, a person may put their arm out to stop their head from being injured. If the force is transferred to the elbow, the elbow can be dislocated or broken. When the elbow is broken, tendons and muscle can also be affected. If you suffer an elbow fracture in which the bones get displaced, surgery may be required to hold the bones in place and to promote proper healing. There are several bones that surround the elbow joint. Whether you’ll need surgery after a broken elbow will depend on where the bones are broken, whether they are displaced, and whether the elbow can be stabilized with a cast.
- Shoulder fractures. The seriousness of a shoulder fracture will depend on whether the bones of the shoulder have been displaced. In some cases, shoulder fractures may require surgery to promote proper healing and to ensure that the individual can continue to move their arm. Serious shoulder fractures involving displacement of the bone may require the use of pins and screws to hold the shoulder in place and to stabilize the joint. In some cases, a shoulder replacement may be required.
- Ankle fractures. Some types of ankle fractures may only require the use of a cast, while others may involve the shattering of bones, resulting in surgery.
These are just some of the more serious kinds of fractures a person can experience after a car or truck accident. Other kind of fractures can include breaks that penetrate the skin. If you have experienced this kind of fracture, you may need care to prevent infection and wound care in addition to caring for the break. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a car or truck accident and has experienced a broken bone, you and your family may be entitled to seek damages for your medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Some fractures may require rehabilitation to promote motion of the joint. Proper care can make an immense difference in your medical outcome. If you or a loved one is struggling to get the proper medical or rehabilitative care for your broken bone following a personal injury, the Cooper Law Firm are personal injury lawyers in Texas who may be able to help you seek damages and a settlement with insurance companies.
Seek Damages for Your Broken Bone Injuries In Texas
If you have suffered a serious broken bone in an automobile accident in Texas, you may only have a limited amount of time to make a claim under the law. The Cooper Law Firm are personal injury attorneys in Texas who offer clients a free consultation during which we can review your accident, estimate the value of your claim, and fight to help you get the best possible settlement permitted under the law. Contact us today to learn more about your rights.