
If you’ve been in an accident in a parking lot in Texas, you might wonder what your next steps should be. In the aftermath of an accident, your body might be full of adrenaline, which can make thinking through the steps you should take challenging. This is normal. In the aftermath of a serious injury, you and your family may be facing many new challenges. A car accident lawyer can take care of the legal issues so that you can focus on what matters most: healing.

The Cooper Law Firm is a car accident law firm in Texas that can review your case, estimate the value of your claim, and assist you with taking next steps. The steps you can take following a car accident in a parking lot will be similar to those you will take if you’ve been in another accident. However, because the accident may have taken place on private property, you may have other options when seeking damages under the law. If you’ve been hurt in a parking lot crash in Texas, reach out to the Cooper Law Firm, a car accident lawyer in Texas today. Our attorneys may be able to help you seek damages from negligent parties and insurance companies for your medical costs, rehabilitation expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages.

What Steps You Can Take After a Parking Lot Crash in Texas

If you’ve been hurt in a parking lot crash in Texas, the stress and anxiety following your accident can make it difficult to know what steps you should take next. If you’ve been hurt in an accident while driving in a parking lot, while walking through a parking lot, or if your car was damaged while parked at a lot, the Cooper Law Firm are car accident attorneys in Texas who may be able to assist you with your case. The steps below are not exhaustive and are not meant to replace the advice of a personal injury lawyer, so if you are not sure what to do next, consider reaching out to a car accident lawyer like the Cooper Law Firm today. Here are some things you can consider if you’ve recently been involved in a car accident in a parking lot:

  • Make a Police Report. Whether your accident was minor or major, always consider calling the police to report the crash. If you need to make an insurance claim or if you are injured, insurance companies may ask to see a police report before settling your claim.
  • Take pictures of the scene. The angle of the vehicles, damage to the vehicles, and injuries you photograph can tell a vivid story of what happened.
  • Exchange contact information. Exchange information with other drivers involved and also get the information of the company or individual who owns the parking lot. Following any car accident, there may be more than one stakeholder responsible for paying for your losses. Insurance companies and the owner of the parking lot may be responsible, especially if conditions in the lot contributed to the accident.
  • Seek medical attention. If you have been hurt, consider seeking medical attention as soon as possible and follow the instructions of your doctor.
  • Tell your insurance company what happened. If you have been in a crash and need to make a claim, the sooner you let your insurance company know, the better.
  • Contact the car accident lawyers at the Cooper Law Firm today. The Cooper Law Firm are car accident lawyers in Texas who may be able to assist you with a car accident claim. Not only might we be able to estimate the value of your losses, but we can also negotiate with insurance adjusters to help you get the best possible settlement permitted under the law. If the parking lot owner or company is responsible for your crash as well, our attorneys may be able to pursue a claim against this company or owner. Our lawyers can investigate your case to identify all potential stakeholders. We can also take steps to gather evidence. For example, many parking lots have cameras that could provide video evidence of what happened during your crash. We may be able to fight to get this evidence.

These are just some of the steps you can take after a parking lot accident to protect your rights. The Cooper Law Firm are car accident attorneys in Texas who fight hard for the rights of victims. Contact our lawyers today to learn more.

Seek Justice Today

If you’ve been hurt in a car accident in a parking lot in Texas, reach out to the Cooper Law Firm, a Texas car accident law firm today. A parking lot accident claim can be more complex than a claim from an accident that takes place on a public road. If you or a loved one were hurt in such a crash or if you or a loved one suffered property damage or loss as a result of an accident, our lawyers may be able to assist you. can connect you with the Cooper Law Firm today.