Car Accident Fire Injury Risks
TYLER and LONGVIEW, Texas. For the past several weeks, we’ve been seeing reports of devastating fires in California. According to Business Insider, the fires were caused by a flat tire. After a trailer’s tire blew out, the rim produced sparks on the side of the road, igniting nearby brush. Given the hot temperatures and dry weather, conditions were ripe for a fire.
While the circumstances leading up to the incident are indeed rare, they highlight the reality that cars pose fire and burn risks. According to the National Fire Prevention Association, 20 percent of all reported fires are car fires. Car fires can often be traced back to human error and mechanical error. Add to this the presence of flammable substances and you have a recipe for a fire. According to How Stuff Works, one of the leading causes of car fires is poor maintenance. Things like leaky seals and frayed wires can turn a fender bender into a fire situation. Drivers should also watch their car’s temperature. An overheated car can lead to a fire. A bad battery can also cause fires, so it’s wise to practice regular maintenance of your vehicle. Electrical issues can also lead to fires.
Car accidents are another cause of car fires. While cars are designed to protect sensitive areas, like batteries, engines, and gas tanks, in a serious accident these components can be damaged, releasing flammable substances.
How can you protect yourself from car fires? First off, it is important to perform regular maintenance on your car. Secondly, practice safe driving. Avoid distracted driving, don’t drink and drive, and follow the rules of the road, including obeying posted speed limits. The major causes of car fires are poor maintenance and car accidents, so doing these two things goes a long way toward prevention.
According to the Balance, in the event of a car fire, you’ll also want to be properly insured. The Balance reports that comprehensive coverage will cover you for fire damage in the event of an accident. Comprehensive coverage will protect you for any damage to your vehicle that occurs besides a collision. This includes damage that occurs because of a leak or even arson. Comprehensive coverage will also protect you if your car overheats and a fire starts or if you have a garage fire that damages your car. If your fire occurred due to an accident, your claim could get more complex. Collision coverage may protect you, but if your insurance adjuster claims that the damage was due to a fire separate from the crash, you could face challenges when making a claim.
What should you do in this situation? A qualified car accident lawyer like the Cooper Law Firm in Tyler and Longview, Texas may be able to help you negotiate with insurance adjusters to help you get the claim you may deserve. Our firm may also be able to determine whether other negligent parties were responsible for your crash. If so, you may be able to make a claim from negligent parties for your damages and losses. Visit the personal injury attorneys at the Cooper Law Firm in Tyler and Longview, Texas today to learn more about your rights and options.
Cooper Law Firm
501 N Third St,
Longview, TX 75601
Telephone: (903) 297-0037