How Can Truck Drivers Avoid Speed-Related Crashes? 5 Tips from a Longview Accident Attorney

The devastating effects of truck crashes extend beyond the immediate victims. Families often face financial hardship due to medical bills and lost income. Fortunately, an accident attorney may be able to help you recover compensation to pay for these losses.

There are several behaviors that constitute negligence, and one of the most common is excessive speeding. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding contributes to 26 percent of all fatal truck accidents.

If were injured by a truck driver who was speeding or otherwise acting recklessly, then contact the Cooper Law Firm. Mr. Cooper is an accident attorney in Longview who can investigate the crash and fight for the maximum compensation. He is a member of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association and the Gregg County Bar Association.

If you would like to schedule a consultation, then call 903-297-0037. You can also visit to learn more about truck accident claims in Texas.

Until then, read on for five safety tips that can help truckers prevent speed-related crashes:

  1. Reduce Speed in Adverse Conditions

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reminds truckers to monitor road conditions and reduce their speeds accordingly. Trucks are vulnerable in bad weather because they have higher centers of gravity, so they require greater distances to slow down.

Drivers can easily lose control in heavy rain, ice and snow if they travel at excessive speeds. In fact, driving the speed limit may be against the law in particularly hazardous conditions.

  1. Navigate Ramps Carefully

Trucks frequently roll over on exit and entrance ramps. The risk of this happening is high when drivers approach these ramps too fast or at a bad angle.

Be sure to reduce your speed whenever you approach a ramp, and take a moment to study its curve and rise. Navigating it slowly and at the right angle will reduce the risk of a rollover.

  1. Stick to Roadwork Speed Limits

Road construction zones have speed limits in place for a reason: The workers are unprotected and vulnerable, and vehicles often have to travel in close proximity to one another. Truckers should travel particularly slow when passing through work zones, and they should merge into the correct lane long before approaching a closure.

  1. Slow down before Curves

If the road bends, then it may be impossible to see oncoming traffic. This increases the risk of a head-on collision – particularly if the truck is going too fast and cannot slow in time or avoid the impact.

If the road curves, then reduce your speed. This can prevent a rollover and help you maintain control of the vehicle.

  1. Consider the Weight of Your Load

Because many commercial vehicles offer a delivery service, they carry heavy loads. In fact, overloading is a common problem because companies want to maximize their profits.

Combined with the truck’s high gravity center, a heavy load can increase the risk of a rollover. The additional weight also makes it harder to slow down. Truckers should drive slowly with full loads and increase their following distances.

If you were injured in a collision with a commercial vehicle in Texas, then contact the Cooper Law Firm. Mr. Cooper is a Longview truck accident lawyer who can help you avoid mistakes during the claims process. Our firm helps clients throughout east Texas. Call 903-297-0037 to schedule a consultation.