
Truck Accident Lawyers and Attorneys in Mount Pleasant, Texas

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a truck accident in Mt. Pleasant, Texas, you need to act quickly. You may only have a limited amount of time to seek a recovery from negligent parties under Texas law. Victims and their families may face many unique stressors after a truck accident. You may be struggling to recover from your injuries, while facing high medical expenses. Or, you may have not been able to work as a result of your injuries. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a truck accident in Mt. Pleasant, Texas, it is important to understand that you have rights under Texas law. You may be entitled to receive money to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and even pain and suffering damages. The Cooper Law Firm is a truck wreck lawyer who assists victims and families whose lives have been impacted by a truck accident in Mt. Pleasant, Texas. Contact the firm today to learn more about your options.

Causes of Truck Accidents in Mt. Pleasant, Texas 

Most truck accidents occur due to driver negligence. Human error accounts for the vast majority of accidents that are reported every year. Truck drivers are required to abide by a set of strict federal and local laws when operating a truck. When drivers break these laws, tragedy can occur. Here are some common causes of truck accidents in Mt. Pleasant, Texas:

  • Speeding. Speed kills. Truck drivers may have strict delivery schedules to follow. Sometimes drivers speed in order to meet their delivery obligations. Sadly, speeding can lead to more serious accidents on the road. A driver need not exceed the posted speed limit to be in violation of the law. Some states have separate speed limits for truck drivers, and drivers must always adjust their speed so that their vehicle is safe for road conditions. If a driver failed to slow down in snowy, wet, or foggy conditions, he or she may have been speeding.
  • Unsafe passing or lane drifting. Another common cause of truck accidents, occurs when truck drivers drift into other lanes. This may occur due to fatigue, distraction, or drug use. The results of drifting or unsafe passing can be serious for drivers and their passengers.
  • Fatigue. Federal law limits the amount of time a commercial driver can be behind the wheel. Drivers should take regular rest breaks. Studies have found that fatigued driving can be just as dangerous as drinking and driving or other dangerous driving practices. Commercial drivers are required to keep detailed logs of their driving. A truck accident attorney in Mt. Pleasant, Texas can review these logs to check whether drivers have been following the law.
  • Improper maintenance. Truck companies are required to keep records of truck repair. If a truck accident occurred and a truck company failed to keep these records up to date, they may be held responsible. Equipment failure, such as a blown-out tire, or failed breaks can result in serious and life-altering accidents for all involved.
  • Distracted driving. Distracted driving has reached epidemic levels in the U.S. We have unprecedented access to technology while on the road. Our phones can access the internet, videos, and GPS technology. Sadly, with this technology comes the immense responsibility to use it responsibly. Truck drivers are on the road for long hours. Boredom and desire to connect with loved ones may lead to truck drivers using their cell phones in a manner that can distract them from the task at hand. Under Texas and federal law, truck drivers are forbidden from texting and driving while operating their commercial vehicle. A truck accident lawyer Mount Pleasant, Texas can review call logs and other evidence to see whether a truck driver may have been distracted behind the wheel, resulting in your crash.
  • Drug and alcohol use. Tragically, truck drivers may abuse drugs and alcohol due to the pressures of the job and the loneliness of being away from their loved ones. Truck drivers may use drugs in order to help them stay awake or to treat illness that arises from the long hours they put in. Truck drivers must be healthy and drug free in order to safely operate a truck.

There are many factors that contribute to truck accidents in Mt. Pleasant, Texas every year. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a truck wreck, a Mt. Pleasant, Texas truck accident lawyer, like the Cooper Law Firm may be able to help. We can review police reports, truck logs, maintenance records, call logs, and perform a background check on the driver involved in your accident. Our truck wreck lawyers work hard to help you and your loved ones get the justice you may deserve.

Can I Seek a Recovery for My Truck Accident Injuries in Mt. Pleasant, Texas? 

In some ways, truck accident victims have more options when it comes to seeking a recovery under the law. Truck companies and drivers must abide by high safety and driving standards. When they fail to follow the law, accidents can happen. The Cooper Law Firm is a Mt. Pleasant, Texas truck accident lawyer who believes in holding drivers and companies accountable when their actions result in injuries to the public. Don’t suffer alone. Speak to our Cooper Law Firm attorney today.