
More Details Come to Light Regarding Collision That Killed 2 Children in Cedar Park

According to Statesman, investigators believe reckless driving—specifically, racing—may have played a role in the tragic collision that killed an 8-year-old boy and his 1-year-old stepbrother earlier this month. Police have arrested and charged the 18-year-old motorist who was involved in the fatal crash.

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Investigators Unsure What Caused Fatal Collision in Cedar Park

According to FOX 7, a collision between an SUV and a pickup truck in Cedar Park resulted in two fatalities. The tragic accident occurred at the intersection of West Whitestone Boulevard and Walton Way in front of a strip mall.

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Rear-End Collision Between Pickup Truck and 18-Wheeler Results in One Fatality

According to News West 9, an East Texas man died earlier this month as the result of his involvement in a rear-end collision between a pickup truck and an 18-wheeler. The crash happened on State Highway 302 in Ector County at around 8 p.m. on a Friday.

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Head-on Collision between Car and Pickup Truck Leaves Motorist in Critical Condition

According to The Eagle, a head-on collision between a pickup truck and a car on Texas 21 left the driver of the car in critical condition. The accident happened on a Friday evening late last month.

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What Is the Difference Between Primary and Secondary Seat Belt Laws?

Be honest: Are you diligent about wearing a seat belt every time you get behind the wheel, regardless of how far you might be traveling? If not, you should make doing so a New Year’s resolution, even when you’re just heading down the road to pick up a gallon of milk or fill the gas tank.

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3 Signs of Impairment to Watch for When Driving on New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is one of the most popular drinking days of the year. It is common to do a champagne toast at midnight, and for a lot of Americans, a tall flute of bubbly is just one of the many drinks they will consume over the course of the evening.

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Rear-End Collision at Stop Light Kills 3

According to KXXV, a rear-end collision that occurred at around 3 a.m. on a Sunday earlier this month resulted in three fatalities. The crash happened at the intersection of West Jasper Drive and South Fort Hood Street in Killeen.

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Head-on Collision Involving 3 Vehicles Kills 2, Injures 3

According to FOX7, a tragic head-on collision that occurred on a Saturday afternoon earlier this month left two dead and sent three others to the hospital. The accident occurred on Research Boulevard in Austin, when a vehicle heading north crossed over the centerline into oncoming traffic.

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Why Is Thanksgiving Weekend So Dangerous in Regard to Road Travel?

Thanksgiving may be just one day, but many Americans take time off before Turkey Day to prepare for it, and still others skip work after to spend more time with family. Although it should be a joyous holiday, the fact that so many people spend the week driving to and from love ones has caused Thanksgiving to become one of the deadliest days of the year for road travel.

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How to Reduce the Risk of a Motorcycle Crash in the Rain

When conditions are perfect, there is nothing in the world like riding a motorcycle. Of course, even in ideal weather, riders still run the risk of sustaining serious injuries in an accident because motorcycles are inherently dangerous.

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