
More Details Come to Light Regarding Collision That Killed 2 Children in Cedar Park

According to Statesman, investigators believe reckless driving—specifically, racing—may have played a role in the tragic collision that killed an 8-year-old boy and his 1-year-old stepbrother earlier this month. Police have arrested and charged the 18-year-old motorist who was involved in the fatal crash.

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Who Could Be at Fault in a Sideswipe Truck Accident?

When it comes to sideswipe accidents, the actual force of impact may be minor, but the repercussions that result are often devastating. Even at slow speeds, a sideswipe crash can push a vehicle off the road or into oncoming traffic.

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What Should You Ask During a Consultation with a Personal Injury Attorney?

Motor vehicle collisions are far more common in this country than they should be. In recent years, there have been more than 6,000,000 police-reported accidents annually with more than 30,000 traffic fatalities, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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4 Surprising Statistics Regarding Truck Rollover Accidents

When a vehicle rolls over, the resulting damage can be catastrophic, especially if that vehicle is a large truck. Commercial drivers need to avoid rollover accidents at all costs because when they occur, they put not only the trucker at risk of serious injury and death but also everyone in the vicinity.

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What Kinds of Factors Affect Car Insurance Premiums?

If you’re in the market for a new vehicle, it is important to consider the cost of auto insurance when determining your budget. Depending on the make, model, age, and fuel economy of the car that you ultimately choose, the insurance premium could end up being the most expensive cost associated with maintaining it.

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What Is Loss of Consortium and How Can You Prove It?

High-impact accidents often result in serious injuries that have lasting repercussions on several aspects of a victim’s life. For example, a severe injury could prevent you from returning to the same career, which can put your family’s financial security in jeopardy.

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Is Lane Splitting Legal in Texas?

Lane splitting is a common motorcycle technique that refers to the act of riding between passenger vehicles in slow-moving traffic. Motorcycle advocates argue that in certain conditions, lane splitting is much safer than riding with a car in front of you and one behind you because it reduces the risk of fatal rear-end collisions in heavy traffic; however, it remains illegal in 49 states.

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18-Wheeler Crash on I-35 Injures 10—Insights from a Personal Injury Lawyer in Longview

CBS DFW reports on a major collision involving two passenger cars and a big rig on I-35. The accident resulted in a six-hour closure of the southbound lanes after the 18-wheeler flipped over shortly before 2 p.m. on a Thursday

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What Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month?

Thanks to the proliferation of smartphones, distracted driving has become an epidemic in the United States. In 2014, at least 3,179 people died in distraction-related collisions, and thousands more were injured.

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Do You Know What to Do after an 18-Wheeler Accident?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Texas is home to more than 180,000 truck drivers, which means our state has a higher rate of employment in the trucking industry than anywhere else in the country. Unfortunately, with more 18-wheelers on the road comes a higher risk of being involved in a semi-truck accident.

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