Top 6 Injuries Sustained in Truck Wrecks – Facts from a Van Zandt Accident Lawyer
Commercial truck accidents can be devastating for victims and their families. Due to their size and weight, big rigs can cleave a path of destruction.
In 2013, at least 4,186 people died in truck wrecks, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Most of them were occupants in passenger vehicles.
If you or a loved one was injured in a truck wreck in Texas, contact the Cooper Law Firm. N. Eric Cooper is a truck accident attorney in Van Zandt who helps clients throughout east Texas.
Call 903-297-0037 to schedule a consultation. You can also visit to learn more about injury claims in Texas.
Here is a brief overview of the six most common injuries resulting from truck wrecks:
- Abdominal Injuries
The majority of severe abdominal injuries happen in auto accidents, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Damage to the liver, pancreas, kidney or spleen can be immediately life threatening, or it can become gradually worse over time. Abdominal bleeding is a serious risk in truck crashes.
- Spine Injuries
A truck wreck can cause severe injuries to the spinal column. There is no such thing as a “minor” spinal injury, but some cases are worse than others. Side-impact crashes may cause paralysis.
The spine plays a crucial role in allowing brain signals to control body parts. If there is a break, herniated disc or irritation to the nerves, then the victim may suffer motor dysfunction.
- Lacerations and Cuts
Cuts and lacerations are among the most common injuries in auto accidents. When a truck is involved, the sheer volume of broken glass and shorn metal increases the likelihood of a laceration.
If an object slices through an artery or pierces an organ, the victim requires immediate surgery. Survivors often suffer scarring and disfigurement.
- Bone Injuries
Fractures are common in truck accidents, and they are often expensive to treat. Some fractures require weeks or months of recovery time, and they can cause years of chronic pain.
Victims may lose significant income if they cannot work while recovering. Some never return to their full working ability. This can have enormous financial repercussions for their families.
- Amputations
Trucks have enough power to amputate limbs. Also, the surgeon may have to amputate a limb to save the accident victim’s life. Such an injury has lasting mental, emotional and physical repercussions. It can affect a person’s quality of life and limit their independence.
- Neck and Head Injuries
Even with a seatbelt, the head and neck are vulnerable to injuries. Blunt force trauma or penetration of the brain can kill victims immediately. Survivors often suffer neurological and physical problems.
All head injuries are serious, including minor concussions. Neck injuries can range in severity from whiplash to a paralyzing fracture.
If you were injured in a truck wreck, contact the Cooper Law Firm. Attorney N. Eric Cooper is a Van Zandt accident lawyer who can help you fight for the maximum settlement. He is a member of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association and the Gregg County Bar Association. Call 903-297-0037 to schedule a consultation.