What Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month?

Thanks to the proliferation of smartphones, distracted driving has become an epidemic in the United States. In 2014, at least 3,179 people died in distraction-related collisions, and thousands more were injured.

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and the National Safety Council (NSC) wants motorists everywhere to pledge to be attentive on the road. By taking the pledge, you promise not to:

  • Talk on your phone while driving, regardless of the device you are using;
  • Text, check your email, or update social media while driving;
  • Use voice-to-text features while driving;
  • Adjust your GPS device while the car is in motion; or
  • Text or call someone whom you know is driving at the time.

In a perfect world, all motorists would take the pledge; unfortunately, an alarming number of drivers have made a habit out of texting, grooming, and engaging in other distracting behaviors behind the wheel.

If you were injured or lost a family member due to a distracted driver in Texas, contact the Cooper Law Firm. You may be entitled to compensation for lost income, medical bills, and non-economic damages. Call 903-297-0037 to schedule a free consultation with an accident lawyer in Longview.

Why Did the NSC Introduce Distracted Driving Awareness Month?

The NSC established this annual campaign to remind Americans of the dangers of distracted driving. Common examples of distracted driving include:

  • Texting, talking, or using a smartphone;
  • Eating and drinking;
  • Conversing with passengers;
  • Grooming or putting on makeup;
  • Reading maps;
  • Interacting with a GPS system; and
  • Adjusting the music or climate controls.

How Can I Participate in Distracted Driving Awareness Month?

The NSC provides materials on its website that you can use to spread awareness of the dangers of distracted driving. You can download these materials, which include infographics, posters, and fact sheets, for free to post in your home, school, or office. You can also share the infographics on your social media profiles.

In addition to taking the pledge, you should discuss the dangers of distracted driving with your family. For example, does your partner text you on the way home from work? Although it might seem like a sweet gesture, it is putting your partner at risk of a collision.

Do you have a child who will be getting a learner’s permit in the near future? If so, you should talk to him or her now about the dangers of texting while driving. You should also make a point to set a good example whenever you are behind the wheel.

If you were injured by a distracted driver in Texas, contact an accident lawyer from the Cooper Law Firm to discuss your case. N. Eric Cooper will gather evidence, interview witnesses, and help you make a claim for the maximum compensation. Call 903-297-0037 to schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney in Longview.