What You Can Do If You Get an Unexpected Medical Bill in Texas

MT. PLEASANT, Texas. If you’ve been in a car accident, unexpected hospital bills can leave you struggling financially. Even patients who have health insurance coverage can find themselves facing unexpected medical bills if they are taken to out-of-network emergency rooms. Vox reports that some patients have found themselves saddled with bills exceeding tens of thousands of dollars after car accidents, bike accidents, and other injuries. Some emergency rooms don’t accept private insurance. While private insurance will agree to pay some of these bills for an out-of-network hospital, when the hospital’s charges exceed what insurance is willing to pay, patients can sometimes find themselves facing unexpectedly high bills.

So, what can you do if you find yourself facing a high and unexpected medical bill after a visit to the emergency room, after a car accident, or bike accident? First, consider your rights. You may have the right to dispute your bill, especially if you enter discussions armed with the average cost for the services you received. According to the New York Times, when hospitals charge out-of-network patients for balance billing, these prices are usually multiple times higher than what a hospital would charge Medicare or another in-network insurance company. If your insurance company refuses to pay these higher charges, talk to the hospital and try to negotiate a more reasonable rate. Find out what the hospital charges Medicare, or find out what hospitals in your area charge Medicare for similar services. Part of the reasons why hospitals get away with such high medical bills is due to the fact that patients aren’t fully aware of what services cost and these charges are not always made readily available.

According to the New York Times, patients may be able to take unusually high bills to court—and may even sometimes win. Under contract law, unless there is a prior agreement about goods and services, higher than usual bills may not stand up without a contract or prior agreement in place. If you have questions about disputing an unexpected hospital bill, consider reaching out to the Cooper Law Firm, Mount Pleasant, Texas car accident lawyers. Our firm can review your bills, review average billing practices in your area, and we may be able to help you negotiate or dispute your bills with the hospitals.

Another way victims of car and bike accidents can fight back against unexpected bills is by seeking damages from negligent parties after a wreck. If another person’s negligence or neglect resulted in your bike or car accident, you may be able to seek compensation to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The Cooper Law Firm are personal injury lawyers in Mount Pleasant, Texas who can assist you with your claim, whether that means working with insurance adjusters to help you get the settlement you may deserve, or fighting negligent parties inside or outside of court.

Cooper Law Firm
501 N Third St,
Longview, TX 75601
Telephone: (903) 297-0037